Our School management online platform are equiped with all the features you need.
Our E-learning portal is the best Course tutoring and course sharing platforms.
Our fully equiped hub helps talented students develop their projects
KollegeX is a subsidiary of KimTronix Global which tries to bring innovation aimed on the educational industry
We develop solutions to solve problems faced in the educational industry. So far we have developed the following systems:-
KollegeX offers a prethora of serivces to help you take your school/institution to the next level from Online E-learning platforms to School or Institution Management portals
Coursehub is an online E-learning and tutoring platform to help your teachers/lecturers create courses and share with their students
MOPSE Management Portal is an online based school/institution administration management portal with bulk texts for easy sending notifications
KollegeX is a fully equiped online based School or Institution Management portal which connected the school school from students up to administration
We have also developed some Electronics Training tools that will help you teach your students everything they need to know about Electronics
We have also setup an Innovation hub in which some of your talented students with projects can come and built up their projects with the help of experts
You can also Hire our experts to do public lectures at your School or Institution, our experts are highly skilled from programming to electronics